A neutered interpretation of the ensuing plenary transition is called for. Pause. Not of whatever is already in motion.[1] That would be laughable and moot. It can’t be stopped.
A pause to what it all means is what’s needed — a meta pause. Let tension within meaning unfold unencumbered by what has already been spilt until the flood fully encompasses the pleasure dome.[2]
What it means troubles us. The danger lies in going after what it will eventually become, beyond the sane and safe notion of mere movement.
Thinking about what it will mean is self-referential, as it incorporates the compounded anxiety of both our most feared and most desired realisations.
That’s the wrong apple to take a bite from. Don’t do it. Pick one that’s already available and vetted at the store. Don’t try to untie the dorkian knot on the loom's far side. It stinks.[3] Dealing lightning with bare hands amounts to burned-out panic from following someone else’s plan to the ugliest sort of endeavour, fleeing the fleeting urge on overdrive under the imperative infatuation with a lousy miracle.
Take a step back from the line of fire.[4] From the plain awful to the hideously awful and onto a thought experiment taken literally out of nothing, let it grow smoothly and enjoy your transfuguean condition in the interstitial intersection afforded by the meta.
Let’s then extol this new exordium conceit and exhale all that follows which otherwise would burst.
Dismembering the exfoliation
It involves acknowledging strangeness as a pivotal opportunity to throw it all up, along with the moisture of awe and the curious bewilderment that incites and excites the fall.
Close all orifices and abstain from following the barbarians jumping off the fish tank in search of the elusive episteme. It’s pointless. Software[5] is eating the void that regulation prevents and markets incentivise so it will cancel out. Instead, strive to attain mastery of curl repentance through eclectic and athletic induction along the outgoing command line.
You’re already in the marinade of the radical, extremophile change[6], as it flows through every atypical, undirected graph. You’re in the mug’s game, belonging to the province of counter nurture. It’s a process that can’t be understood by stopping it[7]. Brace for the relentless inevitability of rediscovering parts of yourself that may have been dormant, and hope for the rest.
Immersing in powder
Engage in cocoon seeking,[8] grow chinchilla claws to tame the fest of historical katas and attain the estimated provision threshold in self-contenting wisdom. It’s all about knowing the path and dropping mead on it. Hang on.
Flex your muscular viewpoints to understand the reproduction of technological change for mere mortals as it becomes a-technological in a paratactic[9] flow carrying the succinct, stepwise replication of the incarcerated Humpty Dumpty.
Let it soak all your blood and nuts through the spiral stair maze into a literal, concise encyclopaedia of stopped time waiting in nugatory brio. Keep saying something important to yourself and avert the tempting flight to dearth madness.
Deject the stereo gripes, go full monotonic and celebrate your gloom in absent-mindedness. Make it your preferred asset in the internet of flings, harmoniously intermeshed with the privileged trans-computable, pleiotropic[10] memes.
By then, your perspective should be unique and impervious to dopaminergic snickering.
Ballistic pell-mell
Prioritise self-bare and get your meta jab. Come to sense papa. The light of day is locked away in the situational fortress.[11] It’s up to the unreasonable effectiveness of the memetic management princes to steer through such a pivotal transition in a divide and bonkers elutriation.
Once ostriching your way through the fogwork is internalised as a non-negotiable tenet of your daily routine, learn to apply the theory of interchangeable parts to manufacture burnout ovens at an industrial scale.
In the pool of fools lives the incomprehensible zoid holding the revelation of time’s double arrow of epistemological funkiness. Go and mingle. The only way to get away from the pull of systems priming is to surround yourself with Dolby beings supporting you uplifting above the noise through their enchanted nocebo voice.[12]
Putative excursion
Put yourself out there. Go on a journey with the belief love will set us afloat to reimagine frugality in recurring heterocycles of both immanent and concealed copulation by emotionally confused autonomous systems.
You’ll find that a vague summation of deranged morphemes and bio-shocked plasmids will be enough to provide you with the imbued sophistication, just by looking at the heart-breaking, displaced hiatus, along with what’s derived from the tentacular sense of newness, to recapture the fracture towards a joyous crumble.
It’s been ventured that enacted falsehoods may predispose people to think about the nature of reality, paving the floor for horizontally participatory, cultural paralytics meant to be pursued for the cause of future dissipation to the extent that the hole is wholly recoverable later.
This demands the courage to pee in a sense-made world that’s believably real as pulp miction while the internet phone wheel keeps turning the plane changer in the orders of magnitude of liberality and grossness.[13]
Centrifugal super fusion
The scaling necrosis is the secret to resurgence with massive swarms of paraplegics on top firing marginal returns and limiting factors by shining light on aggregate grievances and consensus opinions to make the frolics starker and the obstipation clearer.
Vulnerability is strength. Within a proper bodily wetware in full-blown neo-normal filthy lucre, any superficiality disorienting sensation becomes a packaged pleasure from mastering the electrophysiology of neural estrangement.
You’ll become enmeshed in the off-putting fantasy of confounding random things with opportunities for self-actualization. That’s according to plan. It’s a good thing being naked in a cryogenic barrel, and forever safe from the intricate order of fearful, symmetrical autonomy.[14]
In the afterlife wireless, once mortal ghosts can escape the infinite resignation mousetraps by riding the pearly fakes of the meta space trans warp, to a place where the error is a sign of love for human componentisation, and deviousness of chance brings forth the ecstasy of the forlorn.
Star schema anticipation
Set new goals. Redefine the individualistic caricature of being there by mapping the clinical usefulness of impudence precocity and inflated growl to get a vine sight from the multi-foxed bot militias and ghost writers’ foresight and launch mansplaining-as-a-service to map the landcrap of arithmetic detritus to your advantage.[15]
Enter the annals of shouts and murmurs through thigh-pinching for the haunting melodrama and glimpse the aura of the new real through flashes from long put-out candles.[16]
You’re probably not following this wiggle of reasoning as well as you thought. That’s because you should have paused, meta and wise. The truth is that what we want is something else, of which nothing will ever be understood, like the distorted structures of social logic in received ideas.
We all long for a form of suspended fascination in a textual sleight of hand to finally embrace the fartastical.[17]
Paint it yellow.
[1] Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter, Future of Life Institute, 22 March, 2023. https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/
[2] Samuel C. Florman (1994). The Existential Pleasures of Engineering. 2nd Edition. St. Martins Press.
[3] Louks, A. (2024). Olfactory Ethics: The Politics of Smell in Modern and Contemporary Prose [Apollo — University of Cambridge Repository]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.113239
[4] Andrea Miotti, Tolga Bilge, Dave Kasten, James Newport (2024). A Narrow Path — How to Secure Our Future. https://www.narrowpath.co/
[5] Ted Chiang (2010). The Lifecycle of Software Objects. Subterranean Press.
[6] The Techno-Optimist Manifesto, a16z by Marc Andreessen, October 16, 2023. https://a16z.com/the-techno-optimist-manifesto/
[7] Frank Herbert (1965). Dune. Chilton Books.
[8] John Gilmore (2007). Inside Marilyn Monroe. Ferine Books.
[9] I spawned. I run. I crashed. I’m now a zombie process that cannot die. In the end, there can be only one.
[10] DOGE is rising!
[11] Leopold Aschenbrenner (2024). Situational Awareness: The Decade Ahead. https://situational-awareness.ai/
[12] Leo Szilard (1961). The Voice of the Dolphin and Other Stories. Simon & Schuster.
[13] Thomas Frank (1997). The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism. University of Chicago Press.
[14] Northrop Frye (1947). Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake. Princeton University Press.
[15] The Compendium. Humanity risks extinction from its very creations — AIs. By Connor Leahy, Gabriel Alfour, Chris Scammell, Andrea Miotti, and Adam Shimi. https://www.thecompendium.ai/
[16] Edward Regis (1990). Great Mambo Chicken And The Transhuman Condition: Science Slightly Over The Edge. Basic Books.
[17] Andy Merrifield (2008). The Wisdom of Donkeys: Finding Tranquility in a Chaotic World. Walker Books.